Dr. Roberto Medina Benzant

Gastric bALLOON

The Gastric Balloon consists of the endoscopic placement of a soft silicone device that, when filled, takes the form of a balloon. It is placed in the stomach after supervised sedation with an anesthesiologist. The balloon will occupy approximately 60-80% of the gastric cavity, which will cause early satiety when eating a reduced amount of food and this results in gradual weight loss. The balloon will remain until the weight reduction goals are achieved, but for a maximum period of 1 year (this also depends on the type of balloon placed).

This method of weight reduction is considered the most indicated after failure to achieve your ideal weight through diet and exercise. This therapeutic option is recommended in individuals with overweight, obesity type 1 and 2.

People who qualify for gastric balloon placement are those:

◦Between 13 – 65 years

◦Overweight and obese (>28 BMI)

◦If you have tried to lose weight with conventional methods in a formal way (diets and exercises) without achieving your goals

◦If you need to be in a more optimal condition before bariatric surgery

Through our intragastric balloon placement cost package we offer the following:

Types of gastric balloon

Until now, there are two groups of balloons according to the resistance time of their silicone to gastric acid exposure, this residence time in the gastric cavity can be 6 months and 12 months.

Frequent questions

Patients with a body mass index less than 25 or with morbid obesity.

No, the ARS still does not include coverage for the placement of a gastric balloon.

Yes, after a specific time, usually after the first month.

With the 1-year-old balloon the average is 80 to 90 pounds and with the 6-month-old balloon the average is 40 to 50 pounds.

No, during the first few days you may feel adaptation symptoms, such as nausea, reflux, vomiting, slight abdominal pain and heartburn.

By means of an aspirated puncture system that is carried out through an endoscopy and is totally ambulatory.

-In patients with previous surgeries that compromise the anatomy of the stomach, such as bariatric surgeries.

-Patients with high-grade hiatal hernia.

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Dr Roberto Medina Benzant
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